
What to know about Air Filters
With so many air filters on the market, sometimes it’s hard to know the differences. In this post I share what to look for and what to avoid when purchasing an air filter.

Low Tox Mattress Buying Guide
In this blog post, I outline what to look for and what to avoid in your next mattress purchase, along with some of my favorite non-toxic mattress brands because we shouldn’t have to sacrifice our health for a good night’s sleep.

Gas Stoves and your Health
Gas stoves have been in the news a lot over the last year. If you cook with a gas stove, this post will help you understand the ways it can impact indoor air quality and what you can do to lower the risks.

Dry Cleaning and your Health
You know that distinct dry-cleaning smell that your clothes have when you bring them home? That smell is from a chemical called perchloroethylene or tetrachloroethylene, also known as PERC. Despite being treated as a carcinogen by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, this chemical is still used in 70-85% of dry cleaning businesses.

Does Plastic Packaging Impact Our Health?
In this day and age, avoiding all plastic packaging is nearly impossible. We’re all aware of the impacts plastic is having on our environment but did you know plastic packaging can also impact our health?

Is our love affair with fragrance a toxic one?
Do you still have a love affair with fragrance? For many people, fragrance makes them feel better. It makes holidays and seasons more festive and many consumers define clean by the scent, whether its laundry or household cleaning products. According to a 2017 study, 72.8% of people surveyed in the US use air fresheners and deodorizers at least 1x a week. But are we in a toxic relationship with artificial fragrance?

Silicone in the kitchen – better alternative to plastic?
One of the materials often recommended as a better replacement for plastics in the kitchen is silicone. It’s widely used in baby bottles, utensils, bakeware, ice trays, popsicle molds, etc. I have a lot of silicone kitchen items and I love them but there are a few things to keep in mind when using silicone in the kitchen.

The Importance of Choosing Organic Oat Products
If you eat a lot of oats or have young children who do, this is an important study to be aware of. Since there is no federal monitoring of glyphosate in oats, the Environmental Working Group conducted several studies in 2018/2019 where they tested popular oat products for glyphosate residue.

Tips for Reducing Plastic in the Kitchen
In this day and age, it’s virtually impossible to avoid all plastics in the kitchen but plastic is a major source of exposure to endocrine disruptors like BPAs and Phthalates so it helps to be mindful of which plastics increase that risk of exposure.

Chemical vs Mineral Sunscreens – what’s the difference?
As you probably know, there are two types of sunscreen: Chemical sunscreens and physical barrier sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens absorb UV light where physical sunscreens block the rays altogether.

Navigating company claims around cookware
Anyone else start researching “safe cookware” only to be led down a rabbit hole of “safe, eco, or green” claims and end up thoroughly confused? Similar to personal care products, cookware is one of the most greenwashed categories out there!
Hopefully what I’ve learned in this category can help.

Do I really need to filter my water?
If you get intimidated by this topic, you’re not alone. I’ve researched this so many times and have made expensive purchasing mistakes by believing company claims without verification. As a result, I dove into this topic and want to share my findings so you don’t make the same mistakes.

Lower Tox Period Products
(Let’s talk about something that’s not often...

healthy home

personal care / beauty

children / babies

water purification